In the world of Scotch Whisky, this is your 3-star Michelin experience! Without the wait nor fuss. Unlike most of our classes, this one promises to be short: 1 hour for 4 Scotches, each 25 years of age and from the 4 corners of the flavor spectrum. This special format is designed to let you book a great dinner right after! 100 years of perfectly matured whisky will sure put you in a great mood! But it remains serious business: why is great age so appealing to us? Clearly, there must be an achievement of character, depth, length, a complexity only reached with patience and careful monitoring: barely 0.5% of all the Scotch whisky stocks actually make it that far. Let’s get to know why. During this investigation, we’ll get into the chemistry of ageing, the economics of wood and warehousing management but essentially, we’ll et the golden liquids mingle with our olfactory receptors and taste buds.
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25 Year Old Scotch
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 - 6:00pm
This event is not free