Taste Sublime Sakes and Limited Whiskies, from 2-5pm
Ask and you shall receive! If you missed our last sake tasting, do not despair. Join us (2/17) at 2pm for a special Saturday tasting of top sakes and Japanese whiskies from some of the best in the business. Attendees will find a host of sublime Japanese whiskies, including multiple expressions from Akashi, Iwai, Ohishi, and the Fukano Distillery. In addition to the spirits, sake enthusiasts will find some outstanding elixirs from the likes of Kanbara, Isojiman, Kotsuzumi, Tozai, and Rihaku. Close to two-dozen different bottles will be open to taste, and all featured products will be discounted for the day. Pouring will last until 5pm.
Admission to the tastings are free, and reservations are not required.