Few Whiskey

By ellie - Posted on 16 November 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017 - 6:00pm

Established in 2011 by Paul Hletko, FEW Spirits is named after Frances Elizabeth Willard, a historical figure who made Evanston the home of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Ironically, she was a staunch supporter of prohibition and was one of many who played a part in ensuring that Evanston remained a dry city from 1855 through 1972. FEW's Master Distiller overturned these century-old prohibition laws to become Evanston's first distiller of grain spirits within the city limits.

This event is free

Bowery and Vine Wine and Spirits


269 Bowery at Houston
New York, NY, 10002
See map: Google Maps
(212) 941-7943