Scotch: Scouting the world of Scotch whisky
A spirited evening as we climb every peak and descend the Glens of Scotland to discover the power of some of the biggest names, such as Glenmorangie, and Laphroaig, but as we also uncover the warmth and complexity in the hidden gem distilleries. Learn what to look for in a quality malt, how to buy, and most importantly the style of malt that suits you best. Learn some technical points on whisky-making and speak like a stillman as you get familiar with terms like ppm, foreshots, reduction, chill-filtration, etc
The cost is $90 per person all inclusive for the rare and precious series. The first round of food along with a cocktail take place between 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.. At 7:00 p.m., the tasting and lecture start, to end around 9:00 p.m., with a break in the middle for more passed hors d'oeuvres. As there are usually many questions, it is safer to plan on leaving at 9:30 p.m...
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