Stranahan's @ Astor

By ellie - Posted on 06 April 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015 - 2:00pm

2:00pm to 5:00pm
When volunteer firefighter Jess Graber responded to a neighbor's barn fire down the road, he never imagined any good could come of it. But the barn he made an effort to save belonged to George Stranahan, long-time liquor connoisseur. When the fire settled, the two discovered a shared passion for the Colorado outdoors and a good pour of fine whiskey. Stranahan's can now rightfully call itself the first Colorado-born whiskey, and we're here to show you why it's worth more than a second glance.

This event is free

Astor Wines

Wine and liquor store


399 Lafayette St
New York, NY, 10013
See map: Google Maps
(212) 674-7500